Music Video Animation

在空中的這一秒 The Moment

A collaboration project with Rocky @eggshellsea , to create an animated music video for a gifted Hong Kong artist, 林家謙 Terence Lam for the song《在空中的這⼀秒 / The Moment》.

記得 Remember

A collaboration project with Rocky @eggshellsea , to create an animated music video for a gifted Hong Kong artist, 林家謙 Terence Lam for the song《記得/ Remember》.

沒有穿校服的⽇⼦ Old School

A collaboration project with Cherrie @cforcherrie from Petite Giant Studio, created a music video for a young talent, Dark Wong ⿈明德 for the song 《沒有穿校服的⽇⼦ / Old School》.